Toby Rampton

Toby Rampton

Toby Rampton is a freelance illustrator and screen printer based in Cambridge. He creates colourful, graphic illustrations for and believes in drawing simple things that make people smile.

Tell us about yourself!

My interest in illustration started when I was studying Graphic Design at college in 2009. I enjoyed how design-based work provided a platform for problem solving and tackling big issues in visually simple and engaging ways. After a while, I noticed myself drawing more and more and then I took a sidestep into illustration where I studied BA(hons) illustration at Cambridge School of Art in 2011. During my time studying I developed an interest in printmaking, most notably, screen printing.

After graduating I continued developing these skills and began working with clients on commercial work. My journey has had lots of ups and downs with loads of interesting detours, but that's it in a nutshell. I'm currently in my final semester of an MA in Children's Picture Book Illustration at Cambridge School of Art so my aim is to dip my toes into the world of publishing when I graduate in 2024.

Describe your style in 3 words

Colourful, Playful, Graphic.

Where do you work?

I currently work in the spare room of my home in Cambridge, UK. I love having a dedicated space that I can hide away in when I need to be productive. Working in sketchbooks while out and about is just as important for my creative practice. I love seeing all the fun things people get up to in their day-to-day lives, these are usually the starting point for the work that I bring back to my studio.

What do you get up to when you aren’t illustrating or designing?

I love reading, walking and daydreaming. Illustrating takes a lot of intense focusing for long periods of time, so anything that helps me relax and get fresh air has become an important part of my routine.

Most frequently played tune in the studio?

Music is a really fun tool for me to use when working in the studio. I listen to a range of good and questionably tasteful music while working, some of which I'm too embarrassed to share. I usually chose a playlist that has a similar energy or tone to the project I want to work on. My usually tunes range from jazz classics by Benny Goodman, 60's rock such as The Doors and YouTube lo-fi playlists.

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